Break The Rules, Think For Yourself, Question Authority

I’ve been noticing something about this community I’m now deeply involved in.

A lot of people have this problem where, to them, everything is a set path, formula and outcome.

For example, if you need to get funding from a VC, you should say X, Y and Z and then your chances are 50/50 that you’ll get an investment from them.

But… why? Isn’t part of being an entrepreneur because you’re a daring, risky and exciting individual? Is going by the book and what everyone else tells you to do, the way to do it?

That doesn’t make sense to me. If I want to bullshit with the VC about his cars, and laugh about a mix-up… I should be able to, and have him get a feel of who I ACTUALLY am. Instead of just being some pawn in front of him, potentially faking a number of things related to my idea and my potential business, why not just be me? Why not break the rules, and ask for a high salary, with enough to successfully build the business? Why not tell the VC you have no clue how XY will go, instead of making it all up? Why not ask him how he’s doing, what he drives and what he does for fun?

I just don’t think following these pre-planned ideas is the best way. Is it A way? Sure! Of course, it’s worked, it will again. But eventually you’ll just being exactly like everyone else, which will not distinguish you, your team or your startup from anyone else.

Oh – and fuck “The Lean Startup” if I hear a developer or future CEO claim that’s the BEST and ONLY way to do a startup,  I might cry. They need to stop huffing glue and realize there are about 200 paths they could take to be successful.

Stop it, Sheeple.

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One thought on “Break The Rules, Think For Yourself, Question Authority

  1. chetachio says:

    Reblogged this on Tachi's TidBits and commented:
    The truth is being spoken…..PAY ATTENTION

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